Peter Drucker


Peter Drucker is known far and wide as the Father of Innovation and Entrepreneurship. The founder of modern management style, he is the creator of the concept of Management by Objectives and others. His writings and foundations are focused on relationships with people as opposed to crunching numbers.

He was also famous for his thoughts on entrepreneurship. This is exemplified in this quote:

The Entrepreneur always searches for change, responds to it, and exploits it as an opportunity."  -- Peter Drucker

[bctt tweet="The Entrepreneur always searches for change, responds to it, and exploits it as an opportunity. -- Peter Drucker"]

His book, Innovation and Entrepreneurship  was the first book to showcase innovation and entrepreneurship as  systematic disciplines helping to explain the challenges and opportunities of America's new entrepreneurial economy.

This quote is important for the entrepreneur to learn. It tells us that we should be on the look out for change. Welcome it, even, I feel. And when it happens respond to it and take advantage of it, exploit it as the opportunity that it is. Without change there is not growth. There is always opportunity in change. Respond to it and make the most of it.


I get a lot of my quotes from great books that I read. And if you like to listen to books on Audio like I do, I put together a deal with Audible to give Goal Getting Podcast listeners a FREE Audiobook of your choice AND a 30 Day Trial of Audibles service to try them out. You can get audio copies of Peter Drucker's books on

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