Today's Quote Is From Richard Branson

We will be doing a series of Richard Branson's Top 10 Inspirational Quotes. I may have already done one of these in the past, but they are always inspiring to me and I hope they will be to you as well.






Don't think what's the cheapest way to do it or what's the fastest way to do it . . . think 'what's the most amazing way to do it.
~~ Richard Branson

I've been in the business world for a long time. I have often encountered organizations that start wanting to do what's the cheapest way to do it or the fastest way to do it. They often feel that doing it the cheapest way will be better for the bottom line for profits. Don't get me wrong, I am all about profits in a for profit business. Even in not for profit businesses or in government contracts, getting it for the cheapest isn't necessarily the best for the constituents of those entities. In not for profit and governments, spending on the lowest bidder or the cheapest product or process often ends up in wasted money, money that was donated or taken from the people entrusting you to be good stewards of their money. This causes resentment, less donations, and frustration.

Doing it the fastest way is not always the best either. Trying to push a project or product out often leads to bad work that could require a lot of rework. I am a big proponent of Agile methodologies and the Lean Startup. The use of Minimum Viable Products, MVP, is  very helpful in getting a product out to test the waters and get valuable feedback from users. In the podcast world we have many of us, myself included, that push out our first episodes quickly. They are not our best, they are not necessarily fantastic products, but we all learn as we grow. We improve the product as we grow. I hope my product, Goal Getting Podcast, has improved. I would assume if it hadn't my listener wouldn't have tripled since I started this Quote of the Day part of the podcast.  However, being fast is not always best either.

I love Richard Branson's quote and more importantly the thought. If you are going to do something - Be Amazing! What is the most amazing way to do it? What will make it monumental?  What will make you stand out from everyone else that has done it?  Shouldn't we start with the idea of "What's the Most Amazing Way to Do It"?

When you have a dream, when you set your goal, you should set your action plan. Set the How, the steps you have to do to get the goals you set. When you are thinking about The How, think about the most amazing way to do it. Think about the WOW HOW!

Go Out Today, Wow The World With Your Goals & Dreams - Do it Amazing!


I want to help you get the goals you set and make this year the best year ever for you. Do you want to achieve your goals? Do you want to walk your own path and go where no one has ever been before? Does your subconscious mind play goalie for the other team, blocking your goals and dreams? You can change your mind and make it play for your team.

I've put together my Goal Achievement Success System to help you do that. The Mental Bank Program is a major part of this system.

I discuss the Mental Bank Concept in these three episodes:

Episode 34 - Is This What You Struggle With?

Episode 35  - Is Your Mind Killing Your Dreams? 6 Steps to Stop It Now.

Episode 36 - Success Is Not An Accident - Take That To The Bank!

Using the Mental Bank Program and the 3 Keys to Successful Goal Setting and you will have the best year of your life. You will change your subconscious mind into the Goal Getting Machine is was designed to be.

Pick up your copy of the Mental Bank Ledger we discuss in Episode 36 to use to reset your Subconscious Mind to work for your team. Get your copy at .  The Mental Bank Ledger along with the lessons taught in Goal Getting Podcast Episodes 34, 35 and 36 will help you Get The Goals You Set.

Contact me if you have questions after listening to these 3 Episodes, 34, 35 and 36 and ask for help.


I'd love to hear your thoughts on this. Please go to our show notes page at
and give me your feedback in the Comments section.


Are you a Goal Getter that wants to learn to Master Goal Getting!

We've started a private Facebook Group to have a place for you to meet other like-minded, Goal-Oriented people that will support you and help you Get The Goals You Set.

If you want to be a part of the Goal Getting Masters Group, go to Goal Getting / masters

Sign up and I will add you to the group. Come prepared to participate and share your goals with other Goal Getters.



Thanks for listening to Goal Getting Quote of the Day. If you like this or any of the Quotes, please leave a comment.  I would love to hear your thoughts.

If you like our podcast you can easily go Subscribe to our show on iTunes at

or Subscribe to us on Jabbercast


The new Jabbercast App is the best listening experience for podcasts. Check it out.


Please follow us below on your favorite social media channel.  We would love to hear from you there, too. Send us a Tweet, or Instagram Like.

You can connect with us on your favorite by going to / and then Twitter or Facebook, or Instagram

They will easily take you to the social media platforms and make it easy to follow us.

QUICK & EASY - Click here to go leave a review on iTunes

I get a lot of my quotes from great books that I read. And if you like to listen to books on Audio like I do, I put together a deal with Audible to give Goal Getting Podcast listeners a FREE Audiobook of your choice AND a 30 Day Trial of Audible's service to try them out.

Just click the link in the Blue Box to get to the Audible sign up!

Get Your Free Audiobook Here

Hi, I would love to know what you think of the show. Do you enjoy these Quote of the Day segments? Let us know by leaving a comment below.

Make Today a Great Day!

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Podcast at @GoalsPodcast
Tony Woodall, Your Host at @TonyWCMB

Follow us on Instagram at @GoalGettingPodcast

Today's Quote Is From Richard Branson

We will be doing a series of Richard Branson's Top 10 Inspirational Quotes. I may have already done one of these in the past, but they are always inspiring to me and I hope they will be to you as well.






Don't think what's the cheapest way to do it or what's the fastest way to do it . . . think 'what's the most amazing way to do it.
~~ Richard Branson

I've been in the business world for a long time. I have often encountered organizations that start wanting to do what's the cheapest way to do it or the fastest way to do it. They often feel that doing it the cheapest way will be better for the bottom line for profits. Don't get me wrong, I am all about profits in a for profit business. Even in not for profit businesses or in government contracts, getting it for the cheapest isn't necessarily the best for the constituents of those entities. In not for profit and governments, spending on the lowest bidder or the cheapest product or process often ends up in wasted money, money that was donated or taken from the people entrusting you to be good stewards of their money. This causes resentment, less donations, and frustration.

Doing it the fastest way is not always the best either. Trying to push a project or product out often leads to bad work that could require a lot of rework. I am a big proponent of Agile methodologies and the Lean Startup. The use of Minimum Viable Products, MVP, is  very helpful in getting a product out to test the waters and get valuable feedback from users. In the podcast world we have many of us, myself included, that push out our first episodes quickly. They are not our best, they are not necessarily fantastic products, but we all learn as we grow. We improve the product as we grow. I hope my product, Goal Getting Podcast, has improved. I would assume if it hadn't my listener wouldn't have tripled since I started this Quote of the Day part of the podcast.  However, being fast is not always best either.

I love Richard Branson's quote and more importantly the thought. If you are going to do something - Be Amazing! What is the most amazing way to do it? What will make it monumental?  What will make you stand out from everyone else that has done it?  Shouldn't we start with the idea of "What's the Most Amazing Way to Do It"?

When you have a dream, when you set your goal, you should set your action plan. Set the How, the steps you have to do to get the goals you set. When you are thinking about The How, think about the most amazing way to do it. Think about the WOW HOW!

Go Out Today, Wow The World With Your Goals & Dreams - Do it Amazing!


I want to help you get the goals you set and make this year the best year ever for you. Do you want to achieve your goals? Do you want to walk your own path and go where no one has ever been before? Does your subconscious mind play goalie for the other team, blocking your goals and dreams? You can change your mind and make it play for your team.

I've put together my Goal Achievement Success System to help you do that. The Mental Bank Program is a major part of this system.

I discuss the Mental Bank Concept in these three episodes:

Episode 34 - Is This What You Struggle With?

Episode 35  - Is Your Mind Killing Your Dreams? 6 Steps to Stop It Now.

Episode 36 - Success Is Not An Accident - Take That To The Bank!

Using the Mental Bank Program and the 3 Keys to Successful Goal Setting and you will have the best year of your life. You will change your subconscious mind into the Goal Getting Machine is was designed to be.

Pick up your copy of the Mental Bank Ledger we discuss in Episode 36 to use to reset your Subconscious Mind to work for your team. Get your copy at .  The Mental Bank Ledger along with the lessons taught in Goal Getting Podcast Episodes 34, 35 and 36 will help you Get The Goals You Set.

Contact me if you have questions after listening to these 3 Episodes, 34, 35 and 36 and ask for help.


I'd love to hear your thoughts on this. Please go to our show notes page at
and give me your feedback in the Comments section.


Are you a Goal Getter that wants to learn to Master Goal Getting!

We've started a private Facebook Group to have a place for you to meet other like-minded, Goal-Oriented people that will support you and help you Get The Goals You Set.

If you want to be a part of the Goal Getting Masters Group, go to Goal Getting / masters

Sign up and I will add you to the group. Come prepared to participate and share your goals with other Goal Getters.



Thanks for listening to Goal Getting Quote of the Day. If you like this or any of the Quotes, please leave a comment.  I would love to hear your thoughts.

If you like our podcast you can easily go Subscribe to our show on iTunes at

or Subscribe to us on Jabbercast


The new Jabbercast App is the best listening experience for podcasts. Check it out.


Please follow us below on your favorite social media channel.  We would love to hear from you there, too. Send us a Tweet, or Instagram Like.

You can connect with us on your favorite by going to / and then Twitter or Facebook, or Instagram

They will easily take you to the social media platforms and make it easy to follow us.

QUICK & EASY - Click here to go leave a review on iTunes

I get a lot of my quotes from great books that I read. And if you like to listen to books on Audio like I do, I put together a deal with Audible to give Goal Getting Podcast listeners a FREE Audiobook of your choice AND a 30 Day Trial of Audible's service to try them out.

Just click the link in the Blue Box to get to the Audible sign up!

Get Your Free Audiobook Here

Hi, I would love to know what you think of the show. Do you enjoy these Quote of the Day segments? Let us know by leaving a comment below.

Make Today a Great Day!

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Follow us on Twitter:Podcast at @GoalsPodcastTony Woodall, Your Host at @TonyWCMB

Follow us on Instagram at @GoalGettingPodcast

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