Dr. Robert Schuller

Today's quote is from our Monthly Goal Getting Quote Pack, as is the QuoteArt on our show notes page. Go to GoalGettingPodcast.com/qod88 to look at one of the QuoteArt images that could be coming to your email monthly as part of the Monthly Subscription to the Goal Getting Monthly Quote Pack. I'll tell you more about how you can get these great quotes and images in your email each month later. Stay around and find out.

Go To  GoalGettingPodcast.com/images  Today and SIGN UP!

You are what you think all day long.
~~ Dr. Robert Schuller

Dr. Schuller talks about a very good point with this quote. Our subconscious mind learns from what we say. Telling yourself that You Suck, or You're Stupid is very bad. Your mind will believe you!

[bctt tweet="You are what you think all day long. ~ Dr. Robert Schuller #Goals #Quote #DrRobertSchuller #Inspiration"]

You will not be at your best if you continuously talk down to yourself. You are a powerful person, that means a lot to your own subconscious mind.  You can program your subconscious mind, negatively, by having those mental thoughts and especially if you verbalize them.

One of my favorite websites and one I recommend is TUT.com.  Their motto is:

Thoughts become things . . .  Choose the good ones!

[bctt tweet="Thoughts become things . . . Choose the good ones! www.Tut.com #Goals #Quote "]

When you are thinking during the day, think good things. Don't concentrate on the negative and NEVER say anything bad about yourself to yourself.

Go out Today, Think About How Good You Are! Think about Being Great, because You Are.

Want to have the Quote That Hangs On Your Wall on Goal Getting Podcast?

If you have a quote that hangs on your wall, that motivates or inspires you and you want to be mention on the show, just do like Charlie Schrauth just did, create the QuoteArt graphic with your quote and send it to me at [email protected]. Sign up for our mailing list by Joining the Goal Getter Nation and I will put your quote on the show, give you a shout out and put your QuoteArt on our show notes page.

Receive Your Goal Getting Podcast Monthly Quote Pack Special
Get 20 AWESOME wallpaper-size images full of great quotes in your email each month!

Example of a Quote Pack

Go To
Today and SIGN UP!

Thanks for listening to Goal Getting Quote of the Day. If you like this or any of the Quotes, please leave a comment below. I would love to hear your thoughts.

If you like our podcast you can easily go Subscribe to our show on iTunes at


or Subscribe to us on Jabbercast

at GoalGettingPodcast.com/jabbercast

The new Jabbercast App is the best listening experience for podcasts. Check it out.


Please follow us below on your favorite social media channel.  We would love to hear from you there, too. Send us a Tweet, or Instagram Like.

You can connect with us on your favorite by going to GoalGettingPodcast.com / and then Twitter or Facebook, or Instagram

They will easily take you to the social media platforms and make it easy to follow us.

QUICK & EASY - Click here to go leave a review on iTunes

I get a lot of my quotes from great books that I read. And if you like to listen to books on Audio like I do, I put together a deal with Audible to give Goal Getting Podcast listeners a FREE Audiobook of your choice AND a 30 Day Trial of Audible's service to try them out.

Just click the link in the Blue Box to get to the Audible sign up!

Get Your Free Audiobook Here

Hi, I would love to know what you think of the show. Do you enjoy these Quote of the Day segments? Let us know by leaving a comment below.

Make Today a Great Day!

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Tony Woodall, Your Host at @TonyWCMB

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Dr. Robert Schuller

Today's quote is from our Monthly Goal Getting Quote Pack, as is the QuoteArt on our show notes page. Go to GoalGettingPodcast.com/qod88 to look at one of the QuoteArt images that could be coming to your email monthly as part of the Monthly Subscription to the Goal Getting Monthly Quote Pack. I'll tell you more about how you can get these great quotes and images in your email each month later. Stay around and find out.

Go To  GoalGettingPodcast.com/images  Today and SIGN UP!

You are what you think all day long.
~~ Dr. Robert Schuller

Dr. Schuller talks about a very good point with this quote. Our subconscious mind learns from what we say. Telling yourself that You Suck, or You're Stupid is very bad. Your mind will believe you!

[bctt tweet="You are what you think all day long. ~ Dr. Robert Schuller #Goals #Quote #DrRobertSchuller #Inspiration"]

You will not be at your best if you continuously talk down to yourself. You are a powerful person, that means a lot to your own subconscious mind.  You can program your subconscious mind, negatively, by having those mental thoughts and especially if you verbalize them.

One of my favorite websites and one I recommend is TUT.com.  Their motto is:

Thoughts become things . . .  Choose the good ones!

[bctt tweet="Thoughts become things . . . Choose the good ones! www.Tut.com #Goals #Quote "]

When you are thinking during the day, think good things. Don't concentrate on the negative and NEVER say anything bad about yourself to yourself.

Go out Today, Think About How Good You Are! Think about Being Great, because You Are.

Want to have the Quote That Hangs On Your Wall on Goal Getting Podcast?

If you have a quote that hangs on your wall, that motivates or inspires you and you want to be mention on the show, just do like Charlie Schrauth just did, create the QuoteArt graphic with your quote and send it to me at [email protected]. Sign up for our mailing list by Joining the Goal Getter Nation and I will put your quote on the show, give you a shout out and put your QuoteArt on our show notes page.

Receive Your Goal Getting Podcast Monthly Quote Pack Special
Get 20 AWESOME wallpaper-size images full of great quotes in your email each month!

Example of a Quote Pack

Go To
Today and SIGN UP!

Thanks for listening to Goal Getting Quote of the Day. If you like this or any of the Quotes, please leave a comment below. I would love to hear your thoughts.

If you like our podcast you can easily go Subscribe to our show on iTunes at


or Subscribe to us on Jabbercast

at GoalGettingPodcast.com/jabbercast

The new Jabbercast App is the best listening experience for podcasts. Check it out.


Please follow us below on your favorite social media channel.  We would love to hear from you there, too. Send us a Tweet, or Instagram Like.

You can connect with us on your favorite by going to GoalGettingPodcast.com / and then Twitter or Facebook, or Instagram

They will easily take you to the social media platforms and make it easy to follow us.

QUICK & EASY - Click here to go leave a review on iTunes

I get a lot of my quotes from great books that I read. And if you like to listen to books on Audio like I do, I put together a deal with Audible to give Goal Getting Podcast listeners a FREE Audiobook of your choice AND a 30 Day Trial of Audible's service to try them out.

Just click the link in the Blue Box to get to the Audible sign up!

Get Your Free Audiobook Here

Hi, I would love to know what you think of the show. Do you enjoy these Quote of the Day segments? Let us know by leaving a comment below.

Make Today a Great Day!

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Follow us on Twitter: Podcast at @GoalsPodcast Tony Woodall, Your Host at @TonyWCMB

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