David Seabury


Try out your ideas by visualizing them in action.  -- David Seabury

This is a short and simple quote with great meaning built in. To me, it is critical to use visualization when trying to Get The Goals You Set.  Visualizing you ideas, your dreams, your goals, gives you a chance to try them out. It's like going to the biggest store and being able to play with all of the gadgets, toys, stuff and see what it does.

By using Visualization, you can put your goals, dreams and ideas into action. You can SEE Yourself Doing it. You can see your self being the person you want to be. You can picture yourself perfectly executing whatever you need to do to Win!

Don't do this while you are driving, please, but when you get home in a safe, comfortable place

Sit Down

Take 5 deep breaths - Inhale deeply

Close your eyes lightly

Take 5 more deep breaths - Inhale deeply

Start thinking about your favorite, most happy, excited place.

Get a vision of that favorite place in your mind.

When you have a good vision of that place in your mind - take your hand and place them palms together softly.

Take 5 Deep breaths. Then slowly open your eyes.

When you do this at home, you should get relaxed and be able to visualize your happy place where you are your most excited.

I am going to put together a visualization audio for you to start working on a visualization exercise. This exercise here will start preparing you to visualize yourself in your comfortable, happy place. We will grow the exercise from there.

Stay tuned for more.

Go out and make today a great day.


 Go out and Make Today A Great Day

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Make Today a Great Day!

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