Aisha Tyler

Wow, I have been attending Podcast Movement 2015 in Fort Worth, Texas this week. Today our afternoon Keynote Speaker was Aisha Tyler. Aisha has been podcasting for 5 years. She presented a fantastic speech. In her RAW and unedited style, she offered NO APOLOGIES: Creating Authenticity by Embracing Risk

. . . it ain’t how hard you hit; it’s about how hard you can get hit, and keep moving forward."  -- Rocky Balboa


It was a phenomenal speech, with biting and hilarious humor and tear jerking emotion! She Rocked it and she was HAM! Yes, she had to explain what HAM was to us older folks and Caucasians. I think I got a double dose of that, and must admit I needed it. I liked the term and the definition and will have to start using it.

Aisha is a self-admitted work-a-holic, with 15 jobs as she says. She is always doing thing and believes in the mantra, I can rest when I die!  A dynamite lady with a great story.  I am going to start listening to her podcast, Girl on Guy.

She has a book out called Self-Inflicted Wounds. It's a part of her podcast where she asks her guest to tell her about things they have done that have screwed them up. It's not about what the Man did to you, or what your momma did to you, it's about "things You Did to Yourself that were stupid".

Self-Inflicted Wounds

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