You are likely familiar with the term hustle, especially, as it pertains to your life as an entrepreneur. But hustle isn't the only thing to consider when you are trying to be truly productive, you must create and maintain a rhythm of hustle and rest in order to increase your productivity while decreasing that dreaded B word... burnout. 

And that's what today's episode is on, I’m talking about how to stop burning out while still getting stuff done. I’m sharing my rhythm to do so: the hustle and coast rhythm. Let’s dive in. 



Show Links:

Ep 033: Optimize Your Energy for Ultimate Productivity Pomodoro Method DM me on Instagram Join the Unstoppable Action-Taking Entrepreneur Community


Show Takeaways: 

Discover why I actually don’t have a problem with the idea of hustle.  Understand the steps to take to create your own hustle and coast rhythm.  Learn what you can do today to stop burning out while still getting stuff done today!