From September 2020 all schools across England were mandated to teach sex and relationship education including the very important topic of consent. However, there are many things that are supposed to be on the curriculum that aren’t. Laura puts forward her proposition that consent should be taught in schools, in conjunction with police to highlight the legal aspects young people need to know. Ndidi disagrees…


We are joined by Bradley O’Donoghue, a Volunteers Coordinator and Facilitator at Tender – an arts charity working with young people to prevent domestic abuse and sexual violence. Jonny Uttley is our second guest – the CEO of The Education Alliance, an established Multi Academy Trust that is developing collaborative partnerships with academies across the Humber region. The group discuss the power of a pastoral environment in schools to make change, sexual harassment, and how we need to teach consent and relationships in an accessible and enjoyable way to not scare young people.


This week’s #AskYouth question is “Who do you think should teach consent to young people? Why?” We talk to three young people aged 20-24 to get their views.


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