Episode #183. When you choose your business model, are you thinking about what works for industry leaders or considering what works best for you? Diane Mayor is here to help you find your superpower and use it to build a business that doesn’t lead to burnout. In this episode, we chat about why so many business owners get stuck following a mentor’s business model or creating offers that just sound good but aren’t the most profitable. If I know one thing, it’s that business isn’t a one-size-fits-all kind of thing. Listen now to uncover the business model that will up your energy and enjoyment all day long!

In This Episode You’ll Learn:

Diane’s superpower strategy to figuring out where you fit in your businessWhat happens when you’ve copied someone else’s business model How to overcome your ego when an offer seems like a step backwardsDiane’s unique assessment to find your business model flowWhy hiring people just like you may be a big problem 

Favorite Quotes

“The other F word in entrepreneurship is flow. Everything's easier when you're in flow, but nobody's telling you how to get into flow.” 

“Don't burn your business down to change your business model. I've done it a couple of times and I don’t recommend it. It's more looking at what is working and what isn't working. How do you transform that into something that makes you excited to go to work?”

“We see a lot in the business coaching space where they assume that everybody wants to make a million dollars doing it their way. Then, when you get into that stage of ‘this doesn't feel right to me’, you're encouraged to believe that it’s your mindset block or you didn't manifest hard enough."

Discussed on the Show:

Find Your Superpower with Diane

More about Diane:

Diane’s a business strategist who helps entrepreneurs build successful lifestyle businesses.

With over a decade of experience in the finance world in corporate, Diane knows exactly how to take small businesses from decision fatigue and information overwhelm to confidently taking the right action in the right way with the right people for their business.

As the host of the Coffee and Converse Podcast, she shares success strategies for lifestyle entrepreneurs each week.

In her spare time, this spreadsheet crazy, puzzle-solving, systems nerd is passionate about travel, live events, coffee, and Converse though not always in that order.

Find Diane:
