Episode #121. Does selling in your business feel harder than ever? Leah Neaderthal is a sales coach for women running consulting and coaching businesses - and she gets it. She started her business in the midst of the 2011 recession and had to learn how to get clients when no one was buying. 

Leah is here today to teach us how to get past the struggle of sales even in this economy. You won’t hear the same sales tactics you’ve heard before here. Leah is diving into how people actually make decisions and what you can do to meet clients where they are. Listen now to up your sales game instantly.

In This Episode You’ll Learn:

Insights into starting a new business when unemployment is at its highestWhat you can do in uncertain times to continue your success to better timesWhy your clients need you now more than ever and how to sell with tactHow customers make decisions differently in uncertain times Why visibility and consistency matter even more in a time of crisis

Favorite Quotes

“What I found pretty quickly was that even though I knew marketing, I didn’t know how to sell. So I had to quickly teach myself how to sell in a way that felt comfortable for me.”

“Once you can help someone say yes in uncertain times, you can absolutely win in normal times.”

“Your clients need you now more than ever. People are looking for leadership and they might not be getting it from whoever has traditionally provided leadership in the past. Your expertise can be leadership right now.”

Discussed on the Show

Leah’s Free Sales Training Workshop

More About Leah: 

Leah teaches women entrepreneurs how to get the clients they want, and get paid bigger numbers, without feeling salesy. She works with entrepreneurs who either run a consulting or coaching business or sell to businesses or a mix of businesses/individuals. 

In 2016, Leah had a stroke. Thankfully she recovered, and that experience completely changed how she thought about my business. Instead of working long hours, juggling tons of one-on-one clients, and being stressed, Leah strived to help those who needed it while still taking care of her brain. She then created her 10-week program, SIGNED, so she could teach more women business owners these critical skills without putting her health at risk. 

She grew up in Nashville, TN, and has ridden her bike from San Francisco to Los Angeles twice! She graduated from the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, PA, and now resides in Brooklyn, NY with her wife, Emily, and her dog, Higgins.

Find Leah:
