Episode #222. Looking to grow your online community and following but can’t seem to keep up the balancing act between business and life (or worse: work and more work)?

You want to build your following and foster an online community that’s engaged and energized. And you know you need to show up for them - and keep showing up - and offer products and services to help meet their needs.

But there are just some days where you either don’t have that level of energy to put out valuable content or maybe have the resources and energy but just don’t know where to start. 

This week, we have Ellie Diop talking to us about the core of how she quickly grew her community that takes out their wallets, joins her programs, and pays for her variety of offerings. Ellie breaks down the framework she uses for her funnel and the process for how she's built her community and turned content into cash.

In This Episode You’ll Learn:

How being consistent and showing up without fail helped establish Ellie’s brand and businessDoing lives on social platforms creates direct relationships with your audience and expedites the trust factorHarnessing the different levels of audience engagement through value-adding content that inspires, educates, and convertsOffering a diversity of options and having something new and fresh for your audience Pricing techniques that allow you to scaleHaving a diverse of a diversity of channels to contact your audience

Favorite Quotes

“One of the biggest things that played a part in my success is just remaining consistent. When I look back at what I did, that made the most difference. Sometimes it takes people a while to really know, “Oh, do I want to buy from this person? Do they really have the solution to my problem?” Having that interaction with them online really helped to solidify that relationship. And then it just grew from there.”

“Be bold and just try it. As business owners, we may overthink or stop ourselves from trying something because we already tell ourselves it's not going to work. If we don’t decide to just let go, we might miss the chance to discover what our audience needs.”

“Imposter syndrome can be very real. Self-doubt can be very real. It’s one of the first hurdles we must overcome to even get to the place of feeling confident and consistent in our businesses.”

More about Ellie:
Ellie Diop is the Founder of Ellie Talks Money & Ellievated Academy. She is a business strategist, author, and transformational speaker who built a multi-million-dollar business in one short year.

After losing her corporate job during the pandemic, Ellie used her $1,200 stimulus check to build a multi-million dollar online coaching business in one year. Entrepreneurship changed Ellie’s wealth trajectory, and she wants to help other women experience the freedom that starting her business has provided her. She is committed to assisting women to overcome their circumstances to build successful businesses so they can live the life of their dreams. Ellie has built an online community of close to 350,000 people and educated over 40,000 students through her business coaching and online curriculum.

She is a mother of four who has taught thousands of women how to start their business, build their business credit and scale up using digital marketing strategies. Ellie leveraged her years of corporate experience in Sales, Marketing, and Leadership Development to start her business after being laid off right before the most recent pandemic.

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