Have you ever considered doing business in a totally unique, against the grain kind of way? That is exactly what Jordan Gill does. Gals, Jordan is one of my favorite ladies. She is an Operations Consultant and Founder of Systems Saved Me with one inspiring story to tell. On this episode, Jordan and I talk […]

The post Episode 24. Building a Business that’s Uniquely You with Jordan Gill appeared first on Jaclyn Mellone || Go-To Gal Podcast.

Have you ever considered doing business in a totally unique, against the grain kind of way? That is exactly what Jordan Gill does. Gals, Jordan is one of my favorite ladies. She is an Operations Consultant and Founder of Systems Saved Me with one inspiring story to tell.

On this episode, Jordan and I talk about her story of going from behind the scenes to becoming a personal brand and authority. She shares how she’s done it and a ton of brilliant tips she’s learned along the way. Plus, we get into some fun personality assessment stuff and how tools like StrengthsFinder and the Kolbe Index play into your business. Listen now for major insights into building a business that’s uniquely you!

In This Episode You’ll Learn:

Why not having a complicated website actually works for Jordan
A look behind the curtain into Jordan’s unique business model
The biggest mindset shift that helped Jordan charge more for her time
How Jordan sticks with her business model when everyone else does things differently
The smart way Jordan gets advice from virutal mentors
How to build your strengths into the programs and services you offer
How your Koble assessment might play into your business
What Jordan does to balance her personality with her appearance
The tricky ways you might be running into energy vampires in your business

Favorite Quotes

“I struggle because I’m like, ‘Am I complicating my life by doing a business model that’s different than everybody else?’ I really had to step into that and actually be like, “No, I really enjoy this business model and I’m just gonna stay in my power and do what I’m really good at.’”

“When we are the janitor and the CEO and everything in between, we become good at everything. Then, when we start to try to peel them back off, we can get really lost. We’re so good at those roles now because we had to do it out of necessity.”

“I’m not saying I’m confident 100% of the time, right? However, I want to be around other people who are comfortable in their own skin and aren’t going to be trying to pull that out of me.”

Discussed on the Show:

Systems Saved Me

Meet Jordan:

Operations Consultant and Host of the Systems Saved Me Podcast, Jordan Gill takes pride in saving hours (even days) around time-sucking technology decisions and an untrained team.

She has been on the stages of She’s Building Her Empire, Creative CEO Conference, Success Without Sacrifice, Blog Like a Boss Brunch, and Vision Casting while also being featured in Belong Magazine!

She’s also had the pleasure of being interviewed on Creative Empire Podcast, Profit Planner, The Real Female Entrepreneur, Business Building Rockstars, Kickass Masterminds, and CEO Stories.

Jordan lives in Dallas with her cavapoo Vivienne and loves to indulge in some true southern bbq.

Find Jordan:



The post Episode 24. Building a Business that’s Uniquely You with Jordan Gill appeared first on Jaclyn Mellone || Go-To Gal Podcast.