Get ready to listen to an on-air coaching call on a topic I get soooo many questions about. Are you feeling the urge to switch up your business model? So is our guest! Yael Bendahan is a digital marketing strategist and mom of 4 boys. In just over a year, she went from stay-at-home mom […]

The post Episode 22. On-Air Coaching Call: Implementing New Business Models with Yael Bendahan appeared first on Jaclyn Mellone || Go-To Gal Podcast.

Get ready to listen to an on-air coaching call on a topic I get soooo many questions about. Are you feeling the urge to switch up your business model? So is our guest!

Yael Bendahan is a digital marketing strategist and mom of 4 boys. In just over a year, she went from stay-at-home mom to entrepreneur with a thriving, 6-figure marketing business that allows her to live life on her own terms, while still being there for her family.

In this episode, Yael and I dive into what a new business model might look like in her biz. Gals, there is so much here we could go on and on. If you’re curious about implementing a new business model (even if you don’t want to ditch your current revenue stream), tune in to this episode now!

In This Episode You’ll Learn:

Why Yael’s ready to switch up her business model
One easy mistake entrepreneurs make when picking a new model
How to choose a model when you feel like a jack of all trades
The pros and cons between broad and competitive or narrow and niched ideas
The features you might consider for your next model
Why you need to review your brainstormed features before you implement them
The reason behind charging more to teach a skill than you do for a done-for-you service
How raising your rates can lead to overwhelm and the mindset shift you need to stop it

Favorite Quotes

“Feeling like you need to show up 100% everywhere is a recipe for trouble.”

“If you want to do something broad, brand it generic. Brand it in a way that’s not specific to your niche, but message it specifically to your niche.”

“If you dont’ believe in what you’re charging, you’re going to have a harder time selling. You have to have certainty and confidence in yourself.”

“When we’re talking to people who aren’t our exact target market, they just don’t understand the pricing. Getting outside of your circle a bit can be a good thing.”

More about Yael:

Yael Bendahan is a digital marketing strategist and mom of 4 boys who geeks out about all things marketing, learning something new every day, and building visibility online. In just over a year, she went from stay-at-home mom to entrepreneur with a thriving, 6-figure marketing business that allows her to live life on her own terms, while still being there for her family.

Find Yael:

Yael’s Website

Discussed on the Show:

Irresistible Offer Freebie


The post Episode 22. On-Air Coaching Call: Implementing New Business Models with Yael Bendahan appeared first on Jaclyn Mellone || Go-To Gal Podcast.