Gems: You had your best month ever, then you joined the Go-To Gal Club. You had a lot of offers, with pretty diverse income streams. The best thing to do is to have lots of things that cater to people at different stages. Even if it’s a pathway that can take someone from being at […]

The post Episode 12. How Jessica Fearnley DOUBLED Her Revenue in 6 Months appeared first on Jaclyn Mellone || Go-To Gal Podcast.


You had your best month ever, then you joined the Go-To Gal Club. You had a lot of offers, with pretty diverse income streams.
The best thing to do is to have lots of things that cater to people at different stages. Even if it’s a pathway that can take someone from being at a point where their brand needs their business.
If they’re my kind of person, I can keep providing them with a pathway that can be right for them at that stage.
You’re making more money than you’ve ever made, but you also have more offers than you’ve ever had.
You still want to be able to make more money, and you didn’t necessarily want to have your revenue capped at that level either.
The big thing as well, is that once I had doubled my prices, I realized that I was still undercharging. That mindset thing, it happened again almost immediately.
Really diving deep into what is next for you, and the realization that even though you’ve unleveled, you didn’t up level enough.
You get to a point where the company is being held back, because you can’t grow beyond the capacity that it has. It’s too dependent on just one person, and their time and expertise.
We tend to choose the wrong ideal clients. These are probably the people that we are called to help the most, or the most comfortable helping. Maybe they’re just people that were most attracted to our message and we didn’t really know why or question it because clients are clients.
Even though you’re at a really established place in business, we’re revisiting that. I think that’s a really good conversation to have of like okay, who should your ideal client be?
It’s daunting to face all these things, because you feel like your business is built with all these bricks in a wall. If you start taking bricks out… it’s the kind of thing that I’m really glad to be doing with you, Jaclyn. I wouldn’t want to do that lightly with someone who didn’t actually have the expertise to really advise and help in that kind of thing.
So it’s not about just knowing how to do one thing. It’s like we’ll actually have seen lots of different approaches in different context. I’m a lot more comfortable with that variation than I think some coaches are.
Instead of just assuming that people wouldn’t pay that, look at what you actually do and look at the difference that it really makes. Just start to think, I should be charging in line with that.
It’s not just about asking clients to pay a certain amount of money, it’s also showing them that I value my own time and expertise. So I expect a lot from them, I want them to match my commitment. They need to invest to get to that point where they know they’re ready to work with me, because if they’re not ready, then that’s just going to be frustrating for both of us. So they need to be in the right place.
I think it’s balancing those two perspectives. It’s your perspective, but it’s also theirs.
Always find someone who does what you do, but charges way more for it. That has helped with the mindset of rate increases.
I had fallen into a trap before of just working with people prior hastily and being like oh, gosh I just need someone to fix my business. I’ll pay you anything, just please do it. I really don’t want to go down that path again. I really don’t want to be like oh no, this is all really getting out of hand. I’m not really able to afford this properly.
I was very, very resistant working with anyone, but in the sales process, you just made it really easy, Jaclyn. You didn’t put on pressure, which is what I like to be with my clients as well.


More About Jessica: Jessica Fearnley is a Business Coach who specialises in promoting work/life balance alongside business growth. She helps female entrepreneurs to win back more of their time, effortlessly make more money, and work with better clients – all while reducing their stress levels and increasing their quality of life.

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The Business Club for Grown Ups Podcast
Best Month Ever

Read the transcript: 

The post Episode 12. How Jessica Fearnley DOUBLED Her Revenue in 6 Months appeared first on Jaclyn Mellone || Go-To Gal Podcast.

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