Before you pitch a sponsor, start an affiliate partnership or sell your own offers, it’s important to take a step back and get to know the people listening to your podcast. Sure, you start a show with someone in mind, but how well do you really know them? Getting quantitative and qualitative data on your […]

The post BONUS: Podcast Monetization Training 2 | How to Maximize Your Monetization Efforts appeared first on Jaclyn Mellone || Go-To Gal Podcast.

Before you pitch a sponsor, start an affiliate partnership or sell your own offers, it’s important to take a step back and get to know the people listening to your podcast.

Sure, you start a show with someone in mind, but how well do you really know them? Getting quantitative and qualitative data on your audience is going to help you grow your show and get the partnerships, sponsorships and offers that will maximize your monetization efforts. Before you know it, this insightful information will start turning your podcast into a growth engine.

What You’ll Learn in Day 2:

Why audience data matters when maximizing monetizationWhat sponsors really want to know about your audience How to figure out why your own offers aren’t convertingStrategies to incentivize your audience to respond to surveysSurvey tips that will get you the data you need!

What We’re Saying:

“They aren’t just downloads. They are real life humans who want to listen to you and your guests. They want to be a part of this and the topic you’re talking about.” 

“Everyone who listens to your show gets this beautiful, amazing piece of content for free. You are not asking for a lot in return. You are saying, “I want to learn more about YOU so I can continue giving YOU more content. Can you give me 4 minutes of your life to take this survey?…If you’ve ever wondered how you might be able to support me…this is it!”

“You’re disconnected from your audience while you’re recording, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t part of the journey. They have a vested interest in this too.”

The post BONUS: Podcast Monetization Training 2 | How to Maximize Your Monetization Efforts appeared first on Jaclyn Mellone || Go-To Gal Podcast.