We set out on this path listening to God,

remembering God the way God remembers us,

until we remember that God is us.

That's what we are here for.

That's what we're here to practice.

That's what we are here to 'win',

and you've won.

So keep winning.

I Love you,


******God is afoot! I’m writing, and working on something BIG (and very useful) for your practice! I’ll share #ListenerFavorite episodes until I return with new ones in Spring! Look out for announcements soon!

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Today's Quotes:

'In the silence is where all the power is. In the silence is where all the answers are."
-Robert Adams

"When the mind becomes empty, then any wish or desire that you have at that time instantly manifests. This is a great secret." 
-Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

"Once you are on this path, there's only victory. Know that you are the ultimate winner."*
-Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

"By being pleasant always and smiling, it takes you  nearer to God, nearer than any prayer."
-Swami Vivekananda

"Clear the mind of all worldly things. If you can't control your mind, how will you realize God."
-Neem Karoli Baba / Maharajji