What's got you worried today?

Speak it into the Silence.

That's how you surrender it.

That's how you give it to God--

you give it to the Silence.

And then you just keep hearing the Silence,

you keep listening to the Silence,

the same way you were listening to the words of your worry,

you listen to the Beauty of the Silence,

you become the Beautiful Silence.

And then, worry becomes Prayer,

and the mountain moves.

I Love you,


******God is afoot! I’m writing, and working on something BIG (and very useful) for your practice! I’ll share #ListenerFavorite episodes until I return with new ones in Spring! Look out for announcements soon!

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Today's Quotes:

"The basic condition for us to be able to hear the call of beauty and respond to it is silence."
-Thich Nhat Hahn

"The position that you're in should excite you.
Think about it for a moment: the hardest parts are over. Why?
Because you had to endure playing catch up. You had to negate what was holding you down and holding you back this entire time.
What you're left with is nothing but space & opportunity with which to build up on this open canvas. The decision is yours, and quite frankly, you already decided. You didn't start on this path just to get this far.
This is when the fun begins. This is when fulfillment consistently finds you. This is when those wings begin to expand."
-@SourceMessages via IG

"Wherever you are, love is your sole refuge. Fill your hearts with love, and let love be the guiding principle in all your activities when you return home. When you have love in your heart, you do not need to worry about anything. God will always be with you, in you, around you and will look after you in all respects."
-Satya Sai Baba Divine Discourse - April 13, 2005

"To seek is to abandon the here and now.
To wake up is to abandon the search."
-Alexander den Heijer @purposologist

"God desires to give us everything, that is, the fullness of the Divine Life. We just have to be empty enough to receive it."
-@isha_das_craig_bullock via IG

"You're being guided, strengthed, and wisdomed from within."
-Joel Goldsmith

"Children, you should develop an attitude of bowing down to anything and everything. Keep the plate of food in front of you and bow down to the food before eating, and bow down to the plate after eating. An attitude to prostrate to anything at any time should come. In this way, an awareness, 'for what am I doing this?' will arise. Thus we should build up good character. Prostrate to the cloth you will wear. Bow down to the water with which you will take a shower. During these occasions of bowing down, you will have a pure resolve to see the same Consciousness in everything whether with form or without. While doing so, you are in fact remembering God."

"Dead promises must resurrect. The dry bones must come to life. He's breathing over the dead area. One breath. One touch. One moment and it all changes. Through this might wind he is breathing life. New life. New season. New births. Hallelujah."
-@Godlywaiting via IG