Do you want to get your ideal clients using Account-Based Marketing?
Let's talk

Alex's LinkedIn

Do you want to get your ideal clients using Account-Based Marketing?
Let's talk

Alex's LinkedIn

1. In the interview, Alex Alderman, an American marketing expert based in Prague, shares insights on how Central and Eastern European (CEE) tech companies can expand globally.

2. Alex emphasizes the importance of balancing marketing and salesforce, and suggests that outbound marketing should be meaningful and valuable, with a focus on personalization.

3. He recommends a top-of-funnel outbound approach, where the initial contact could be an invitation to join a network or participate in a podcast, which helps in nurturing relationships.

4. Alex points out that big projects require building trust and reputation, which was traditionally done through face-to-face meetings, but LinkedIn has emerged as a powerful alternative.

5. He advises leveraging conferences for networking and content creation, suggesting that connecting with conference organizers and speakers can be beneficial in the long term.

6. Alex stresses the importance of nurturing relationships, especially in industries with long business cycles, and highlights how LinkedIn can be effective for continuous engagement.

7. He advocates for niche focus, explaining that targeting specific industries or technologies can help in creating more relevant content and establishing expertise in a particular area.

8. Alex suggests breaking down the sales process into smaller steps and providing an infrastructure that makes the process easy, which can lead to better results.

9. He mentions that there is a high demand for software development and similar services in the Western market, and CEE companies should leverage this by getting the messaging and branding right.

10. In conclusion, Alex Alderman emphasizes the importance of communication and content, considering them as easy fixes that can help CEE tech companies in selling products or services effectively on a global scale.