It is February 2020. The oceans are melting crustaceans alive. Fire, flood, and famine threaten billions of lives. And it’s time for undergrads to register for field school, and archaeologists to line up their plans for the 2020 field season. LET’S GO!

THE WHOLE CREW is back to talk about archaeology field schools and what undergrads should consider while they're looking for one of the most important things an early career archaeologist can do.

We discuss what makes a good field school, and what sets the truly good ones apart.

- Fort Vancouver field school (public archaeology/historic focused) titled “PSU Field School in Colonial Archaeology of the Pacific Northwest”
- Field methods in Indigenous Archaeology (UW) - Grand Ronde, Oregon
- WSU Archaeological Field School - Indigenous Collaboration, - Landscapes, and Heritage Management - Shannon Tushingham in North Central Washington - Colville

Not quite ready to do a field school? Not sure if archaeology is the right fit?
- Volunteering or attending interest group meetings are a great (free) alternative to build a skill set before diving into a field school. Mostly costs your time and transportation.

Women in Archaeology
Archy Fantasies
Bill Auchter’s projects -
Still Digging
Archaeo RPG
Rituals and Rolls
Arch & Anth Podcast
The Transect
The Sprocket Podcast
The Trillbilly Worker’s Party

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Queer Archaeologists guide to queer-friendly fieldschools:

James Madison’s Montpelier 2020 fieldschool: