We talk with Khadevis Robinson (KD), two-time Olympian and four-time US Champion at 800 meters--about his life, career, and message. We also cover:

- How KD got his start in running
- What separates the 800 meters from other races
- Training with Johnny Gray, front-running, "the twilight zone", and how your mind works when you lead
- Why following instructions is the simplest path to success
- The importance of having a coach or mentor
- How some people's "why" drives them to do what others won't do
- The levels of sacrifice and discipline some people are willing to accept to achieve their goals (and eat their oatmeal)
- What's really the problem with "kids these days" and the role we play as parents
- What it means for us that the universe is neutral
- Carl Lewis, the nature of opportunities, and the parable of talents
- The lessons he learned from finishing 4th at the Olympic trials twice, at different stages of his career
- The surprising power in pursuit
- His passion to inspire and motivate others, and how coaching is a vehicle to do the same.
- And lessons he's taken from great speakers like Jim Rohn, Eric Thomas, and David Goggins


When Seconds Count: In Minor Moments Major Things Happen (Khadevis' book) - Amazon

2000 Olympic Trials 800m - YouTube

2008 Olympic Trials 800m - YouTube


Khadevis Robinson - Website, @khadevis


Bryan Green, Go Be More Blog

Jon Rankin, @chasejonrankin, Go Be More


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Go Be More YouTube Channel


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