Jon and Bryan discuss some of the major events that have led Ben Auerbach to where he is today and how he's learned to focus his energy internally. Our topics cover:

- Growing up in a Jewish/Filipino bi-racial family, with a twin brother (who was better than him at basketball)
- How he chose his university, and why it was ultimately not the right choice for him
- How he went about deciding to transfer schools, and why he feels it was the right decision
- Ben's advice to young people struggling to make difficult decisions in their lives
- Starting and navigating a career in banking in 2007, just as the recession was about to hit
- Competing for the US team and winning a gold medal at the Maccabi Games, the third largest sporting event in the world
- Finding out his father was going to federal prison, and how he poured himself into his work and running as an escape
- Deciding to quit banking and start a fitness company in Maui
- Why not getting accepted into business school was probably a blessing in disguise
- Building a business around his passions of mind and body, health and wellness
- His work with Mankind Project, which helps men get in touch with their emotions and spirituality
- Using his experience with the Mankind Project to develop a new set of skills that he could incorporate into his business
- His work with Inside Circle, an organization that works with prison inmates to explore the similar issues to the Mankind Project
- The similar conversations and experiences felt all men, from CEOs to inmates alike
- How his experiences with Mankind Project and Inside Circle enabled him to do the necessary work to emotionally deal with his father's incarceration
- His experience with the federal prison system, especially once COVID-19 started to spread within prisons
- His father's death due to COVID-19, the experience he went through trying to help his father, and the emotions he went through after receiving the news
- His new company, Maui Method, which offers coaching services and has an impressive stable of experts, including Khadevis Robinson, Shannon Rowbury, Emily Kraus and some former Navy Seals
- And last but not least, what the three words Go Be More mean to Ben!

If you liked this episode, check out our interviews with Bryan Lindsay and Scott Abbott.


Mankind Project: A Men's Community for the 21st Century - homepage

Inside Circle: Empowering System Impacted People to Lead Change from Within - homepage

There is Power in Pursuit - Interview with Khadevis Robinson - Go Be More Podcast


Ben Auerbach - Maui Method + One Fitness, @onefitnessmaui


Bryan Green, [email protected],

Jon Rankin, @chasejonrankin, Go Be More


Go Be More website

Go Be More YouTube Channel

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