Today's talk may be our most important one yet, as we discuss the PRO Act, which could mean the death of freelancing. If you live in California, you've likely heard of this bill. Even if you're not from California, this is still important, because this law is the model for the entire United States going forward.

In short, this law will make it to where you are considered an employee if you do what the government thinks is considered "too much work" for one company. Here, I'll teach you ways to get around this bill, but nonetheless, we still need to speak up for our rights to freelance.

0:00 – Introduction
5:02 – When The ProAct Began And What It Entails
11:52 – Why Freelancer’s Cannot Just Be Converted Into Employees
15:03 – The Cobra Effect
19:03 – Contractors Won’t Even Be Contractors Anymore If This Bill Passes
22:38 – How Politics Factor Into This Bill
24:53 – Text From The ProAct And What It Means For You
27:53 – The ProAct Will Force People To Join Unions Which Ends Freelancing Rights
30:27 – Why You Need An LLC Or a Corporation NOW
37:57 – Services Like Upwork Give You A Buffer, Too
43:00 – Outro