Today on the show our guest is Amy Vickers from ATV Consulting and Coaching.

Now if you've been listening to the show for a while you'll know that one of the reasons that I created the podcast was to tell and share veterans stories.

Something you might not know is that I also wanted to have a frank and open discussion about PTSD and how that affects not only veterans but all of us as humans. There's no denying it, PTSD is part of the human experience. But here's the thing, you don't have to go through it alone.

I guess that today's show comes with a disclaimer that some of these topics that we cover are hard to listen to and they are even harder to talk about but I urge you to stick with us today as it's an important topic and if we can reach just one person or you the listener can share this show with just one other person it might make a difference to everything.

As you'll hear from Amy, she is a 23-year veteran of the Royal Australian Navy but that is not the focus of today's podcast, our focus today is that difficult topic of PTSD.

If you or anyone close to you has suffered you'll know that it is crippling and so dam hard to work through. Amy has had more experience than most in the veteran PTSD space.

She has been a facilitator of the Trojans Trek which is a peer support therapy program for current and former defence members.

If this podcast raises any issues for you or you want to talk more about these topics or seek some help then please leverage the services that are freely available like:

Amy has a pretty epic Go All In story and she shares what it really means to live with and suffer with PTSD and how hard it is to go it alone. Whatever you do - don't do that.


Connect with Amy on the details below:


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