For many of us building or buying our home is the biggest #goallin financial investment that we will ever make and I believe it is so important to have someone like Nat in your corner when you are in the process of making these choices and decisions.

Today on the show our guest is Natalie Stevens from Build in Oz. Nat is a second generation property developer and she knows how to make money building houses both in her own business but also helping others do the same.

Now Nat's go all in story is a little different to most. When you think about your go all in moments of commitment and total focus they are often internal and don't really affect others to much.

Nat's is different, it's not that her go all in was not internal, it was but when she decided to go all in and turn the spotlight on the industry that she has been a part of her whole life it was not only her reputation on the line but also her business. She went all in all right, talk about commitment, Nat exposed and shows non industry people all of the pitfalls of what can go wrong when building a house.

She'll help you to understand the hidden traps and describes the whole process of deciding to build a house as being dictated by the people that are selling. If that is the way the industry works then the sellers are in control and the buyers at the mercy of their sales pitches. Nat flips this on its head and calls BS on the industry where it is warranted.

With a lifetime of skill and experience as a property developer coupled with her highly articulate delivery Nat will show you how not to get ripped when building your home and and she uncovers all of the things that can trip you up when you build a house.

A little bit of knowledge in this space can go a very long way to saving you a lot of money.


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