Martial art has its history in combat, so as a company founded by three martial artists, Rule #1 (Don't Die) is fundamental to GMB. 

If you die, you don't get to do anything else. It's over. That's the end.

It might sound dramatic but self-preservation is key to making any kind of progress. While this seems like a fairly basic and obvious fact, it is one that often falls to the wayside when we start taking on new challenges.

In this episode, we talk about how everything comes with a trade-off and how to assess your training in order to not make irreversible decisions.

Key Points:

Don’t Die: It’s a metaphor, don’t do anything that has lasting or permanent negative implicationsWhat to do Instead: Reassess what you’re doing, how you’re doing it and whyChallenge Doesn’t = Pain: Don’t conflate pain with progress, there are many ways to make gainsOur Advice: Examples of avoidable mistakes + two tips to use for any movementIrreversible Decisions: Challenges are good, but don’t go past the point of no returnThe Future: Help us decide which episodes to record next


3 Steps to Autoregulation Training – How to not burn outThe GMB Method – A breakdown of how to Assess, Address, Apply to make progress on anything you’re working onDOMS – They Suck! – Our episode on Delayed Onset Muscle SorenessBreathing Exercises – Learn how to make your workouts better and help you recover fasterTranscript of this EpisodeHow Many Reps, Sets, Exercises, and Workouts You Should Be Doing – Our episode on how much is enoughOur Articles on Injury Prevention – Our best posts on recovery, prevention, and building resilience

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