One of the key differences between training for fitness vs training for sport is the emphasis on developing capabilities vs abilities. This episode defines these similar terms in a new way so you can figure out which exercises you need to be focusing on and why.

Fact: people train for a lot of different reasons.

We know you have your own goals, and one thing we've found a massive proportion of our clients to have in common is that lifting more weight or doing more reps is not the end-all-be-all goal for them. More important is translating that strength or endurance or other attribute to performance in some sort of activity, be it a sport or just the regular daily stuff. That's not to say it's wrong to focus on reps or to add weight to the bar; we just want you to know whether or not that's your real reason for training, because it'll impact choices you make about the best path forward.Β 

As always, be on the lookout for stupid jokes and an invitation to really spend some time introspecting about why you're even working out in the first place. There's no wrong answers as long as you're asking the questions honestly.

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