Previous Episode: Hell Yes or No, Revisited

"Just squat!" "Just do intermittent fasting!"Β 

As sentient beings in the 21st century, we all have pretty solid bullshit detectors by now, but when we're facing challenges, it's still tempting to believe the easy answers. And why not? Mostly, they're offered in earnest from friends with the best of intentions. But sometimes, there's an insidious bias behind the rec.

In either case, "just X" is usually masking a litany of gotchas and caveats that you should understand before jumping in.Β 

This episode is about investigating claims without wasting time researching beyond your necessity as a layperson. If you're gonna trust someone as far as you can throw them, you better learn to throw! We'll look at veracity, context, and incentives as heuristics for casual analysis of "maybe too good to be true" claims.Β 

In other words, it's a tune-up for your bullshit detector so you can skip the crap and start using the solutions that suit you best.

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