Previous Episode: 41. Are You Prepared?
Next Episode: 43. In A Slump?

Today’s episode is a special one. I have two celiac celebrities. Yes I am talking major celebrities to our gluten free community. Mike and Cam from the Celiac Project!!  They are on a public mission to help people who are coping with the life changing gluten free diagnosis and to help them feel empowered moving forward, and live a safe and fulfilling life. Their efforts to advance the conversation about what we can do individually and as a society to support the gluten intolerant community has been an inspiring journey for all of us to watch and be a part of. Michael was finally diagnosed with celiac disease after so many long years of suffering, As a filmmaker himself, he decided the world needed a documentary of true and important facts about Celiac Disease. So he took on the Celiac Project. I am going to let you hear for yourself how Michael and cam joined forces to continue this effort with their Podcasts ‘The Celiac Project’ 

Shortly after connecting with Mike and Cam, we realized how close our missions aligned and we had an instant connection. I wanted them to be guests on my podcast and they asked me to be a guest on theirs!  So that is exactly what we did. This is a 2 part recording… To hear them interview me, go check them out at the celiac project wherever you like to listen to podcasts. And now lets patch you into the conversation that I had with them and we can learn all about the film and all the amazing resources they have for our community!

You will first hear from Mike. I asked him to tell us a little bit about himself and how The Celiac Project became his mission. 


Learn more about the programs I offer 

Remember, I've got your back. I have a comprehensive gluten-free guideavailable on my website. It's packed with valuable information to make your journey smoother. And if you want to spread the knowledge, I've created free "I am gluten-free" and "I have celiac disease" printables you can share with others.

For more resources, visit my website HERE!


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