Robert Pangrazi is a Professor Emeritus at Arizona State
University and an Educational Consultant for Gopher Sport
and The U.S. Tennis Association. He began his career as a 5th
grade teacher and was an ASU professor of physical
education for 32 years. Dr. Pangrazi’s physical education
textbooks have sold more than 750,000 copies. Pangrazi has
published over 50 textbooks and 100 research and
professional articles. He has been a keynote speaker for 40+
state and district conventions and an invited speaker at nearly
400 national and international conferences. He regularly
conducts training sessions for schools and universities and is regarded as a motivational
speaker. His approach to elementary school physical education has been used
worldwide and is used in hundreds of public, private and charter schools across the U.S.
Pangrazi also authored the Gopher Active and Healthy School Program that is used in
many schools throughout the U.S. This program includes strategies and interventions for
parents, teachers, and students. It is designed to change the school environment to
make it more health-friendly.