Mike Graham

I am starting my 21st year of teaching Physical Education. While this is my second year at Williamsburg Elementary, I have spent the last 15 years here in Geneva split between some of the other elementary buildings within the District. I am truly blessed to be working in a profession I love within a district that prides itself in a deep "tradition of excellence" in education.

In addition to teaching, I coach wrestling at St. Charles North HS. I also serve on the Social Media committee for our State Organization (the Illinois Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance - IAHPERD). I help manage the organization's social media accounts and promote all the great things going on within the organization and around the #physed world. I'm really excited about my newest adventure as the President-Elect of the Northern District of IAHPERD and helping further the profession at the state level.

When I'm not teaching or coaching, I like to spend my time at home. I enjoy hanging out with friends and neighbors. Some of my personal hobbies include: FISHING, listening to music, staying physically active in various pursuits, DIY projects around the house, carpentry construction, and following college wrestling.

I'm looking forward to another great year in P.E. I have lots of exciting things planned this year and can't wait to share my passion for getting and staying active with all of you!