Leadership is about giving voice to people who need it most. But humanity’s table is leaning towards male leadership rather than a balance of both. For today’s episode, we talk about the need to have more women in leadership with Lori Kershner.

It's time...
...To be the 1% .
...To shift the dial forward by 1 %.
...And to build partnerships with others who are willing to do their 1%.

Make sure you add what your 1% is so we can support you on your journey too!

Connect with me on LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/kirimareemoore/

If you would like to have Kiri-Maree speak at your next event or would like to discuss partnerships please email [email protected]

To know more about The Leadership Awareness Leadership Neural Pathway Training check https://getleadershipawareness.com/

Connect with Lori on her website - https://www.lmkadvocacy.com/

Leadership is about giving voice to people who need it most. But humanity’s table is leaning towards male leadership rather than a balance of both. For today’s episode, we talk about the need to have more women in leadership with Lori Kershner.
It’s a well-known fact that leadership used to be a male-dominated world and women worked hard to break through the barrier. Women needed to stop asking for permission to advance in their careers.
When leaders create the right environment for women, they become more empowered and educated to excel in the leadership arena. 
Lori demonstrates the importance of having diverse thinking at the table. Her experiences give us first-hand knowledge of how can women stand out despite being in an area ruled by men and the impact it brings to humanity.
The importance of having diversity at the table (02:43)How do we bring more women to the table? (06:10)Empowering, educating, and creating the right environment for women (13:15)The need for women to step up (18:21)Giving women permission to be at the table (21:10)How do we bring diversity to the table (29:48)The one thing Lori's going to do to shift the dial by 1% (37:42)
"It's time to stop asking for permission." -Lori Kershner
"Women need to understand that until we have strong men supporting us and helping us along the way, it's going to be difficult for us to get beyond." -Lori Kershner 
"We all have a story that was our once was and a story of what can be." -Kiri-Maree Moore
Resources: Make Your Voice Heard with Lori KershnerEpisode 17: Bringing Humanity and Distinction to the Decision Table with Earl AmeenThe Need To Have Permission At Humanity’s Decision Table with Tania Allen
CONNECT WITH KIRI-MAREE MOOREConnect with me on LinkedIn
If you would like to have Kiri-Maree speak at your next event or would like to discuss partnerships please email [email protected]

To know more about The Leadership Awareness Leadership Neural Pathway Training check it here

CONNECT WITH LORI KERSHNERConnect with Lori on her website