Ever heard of a nonprofit medical device orthopedic company? Enter Sign Fracture Care - a nonprofit medical device company that designs and manufactures implants/instrumentation while also providing education to local surgeons in developing countries.

 In this episode, we speak with Jeanne Dillner, CEO of Sign Fracture Care, who shares the most valuable lessons she learned from her experience in the medical device industry. Jeanne emphasizes the importance of patient care and the generosity of donors who trust SIGN to use their donations appropriately to help patients in need. She also talks about the growth of SIGN over the years, from relying on outside guidance to hiring experienced staff to improve manufacturing and double their production.

SIGN now has 41 employees and helps at least 30,000 people a year. Sign's mission to provide relevant medical equipment to hospitals in low and middle-income countries has helped over 400,000 injured poor patients access quality orthopedic surgery. The organization's success is a testament to the power of fresh ideas and diverse backgrounds in designing products for the needs of patients in need.

Check out the shownotes!

If you haven't heard part 1, click here to listen: Part 1 with Dr. Lewis Zirkle

Other episodes related to orthopedic/trauma care:

9. Elevating the Human Condition Through Pediatric Surgery

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