Delighted to announce the next guest for my Neurodiversity Stories  

Vic Williams - NeuroCoach, Speaker & Author  

Topic of talk - Topic - Understanding Dyslexia From A Neuroscience Perspective!  

Our talk will be around understanding dyslexia from a neuroscience perspective. How it impacts business and personal development. Specifically talking about personal development, overcoming self-doubt, working through the things people have said about dyslexics, creative thinking, getting comfortable with reading in public, setting personal development challenges, accountability to a group of people who care.  

Come and join us to hear Vic's incredible story.  

For more Information on how to connect with Vic Williams please do check out the following link:  Website:

My aim with Neurodiversity Stories is to educate, inspire and motivate people to see a different side to Neurodiversty 💙

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