Delighted to announce the next guest for my Neurodiversity Stories Stories  

Dann Casswell - Company Director: Creative Connection Animation Studio  

Topic of talk - "Writing Out-loud How being dyslexic helps me to explain."  

I’ve always been a communicator. Since school I’ve always loved explaining complicated things in a way that people can understand, often with relatable metaphors that can put abstract ideas into the real world. I love watching them ‘get it’. In school people who sat next to me would always go up a set, while I stayed where I was because my written work was so poor. Then one day we took a multiple choice maths exam and I despite being in set two, I got the highest grade in the school, this led to my dyslexia diagnosis. (at Uni they tested my IQ as 137 which would be great if my wife’s wasn’t 138) I didn’t really learn to study till I got to university where I studied creative writing, and sociology and then an MA in scriptwriting. I also had some creative work read on radio four… never really had any success in print!  

Come and join us to hear Dann's incredible story.  

My aim with Neurodiversity Stories is to educate, inspire and motivate people to see a different side to Neurodiversty 💙    

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If you would like to appear on one of my Neurodiversity Stories then please contact me on: [email protected]    

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Delighted to be working with our NEW  sponsor for our Neurodiversity Stories 📚   Touch-type Read and Spell (TTRS)   

TTRS is An award-winning, multi-sensory course that teaches typing, reading and spelling  Touch-type Read and Spell (TTRS) is also suitable for people with Dyslexia and other learning differences.   

For more information please check out their wonderful website:  👉 👈  

Thank you Touch-Type, Read and Spell for your support.   

Neurodiversity Stories was hosted by Darren Clark who is a Dyslexia Influencer and Award Winning Entrepreneur who is Changing perceptions for Neurodiversity globally through speaking,training and consulting and Making Organisations and schools fully SpLD Inclusive and trailblazing awareness  

For more information please click on the link:    

I hope you enjoy our stories and please subscribe to see more.