What *actually* is scrying in magic and divination? What are the pitfalls and key tips to interact with spirits? What *is* a spirit? Harper Feist - scryer, esotericist, a scientist, author and historian- goes deep into the relationship between magic and science, shares her vast scrying wisdom, answers your Patreon listener questions and so much more! 

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►🤝Harper’s Website - https://www.harperfeist.com/
► 🎙️Listen to ‘Thelema Now!’ podcast - https://thelemanow.org/
►🔥Harper’s Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/harperfeist/
►🔥Harper’s Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/harper.feist ►📚Get your copy of ‘Hagia Sophia / Sanctum of Kronos’, including Harper’s essay - https://scarletimprint.com/publications/p/hagia-sophia-sanctum-of-kronos
► ✅Let Miskatonic Books know to bring back ‘Io Typhon’! - https://www.miskatonicbooks.com/product/io-typhon-limited-hardcover/