What are the initiations, conjurations, astrology, spirits, and ghost-magic traditions in Thailand? What are the regional variations of Thai folk magic? Why is community and serving others with magic so vital? Author Peter Jenx goes deep sharing about his latest tome Thai Occult 2: Regions of Power. Peter is joined by author and magician Jack Grayle, who is publishing Thai Occult 2 through Araxes Press - the new imprint that Jack launched this year with Larry Roberts of Miskatonic Books.

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✅►Pre-Order ‘Thai Occult 2: Regions of Power’ - https://www.miskatonicbooks.com/product/thai-occult-2-regions-of-power-by-jenx-hand-numbered-limited-edition-hardcover-preorder/
✅►High-quality Thai Occult Amulets - https://www.thethaioccult.com/

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🎵 Music by the artist Crowander (track name: “Tornado”)-https://soundcloud.com/crowander -https://crowander.bandcamp.com/-https://soundcloud.com/crowander/tornado