What are angelic calls? How do you ‘open’ and ‘close’ geomantic divination? What are angelical charms and some little discussed details of the Enochian language? Dr. Alexander Cummins - contemporary cunning man, author, historian and poet - goes deep with his latest tome from Hadean Press called ‘Nazarth: Pillars of Gladness or, A Geomancers' Angelical Psalter of Calls’. He also answers your Glitch Bottle Patreon listener questions and much more!

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► ✅ Get your copy of ‘Pillars of Gladness’ - https://www.hadeanpress.com/news/nazarth-pre-orders
► ✅ Dr. Al’s Upcoming Classes - https://linktr.ee/grimoiresontape
► ✅ Dr. Al’s consulting services and website - http://www.alexandercummins.com/
► ✅ For booking inquiries, email Dr. Al at - [email protected]

✦🔮🔥Become a Glitch Bottle supporter - https://www.patreon.com/glitchbottle

🎵 Music by the artist Crowander (track name: “Tornado”)