What are the occult names of the hours, days, months, Zodiacal signs and seasons of the year that magicians used in invocations nearly 700 years ago? Scholar and translator Brian Johnson returns to talk about his latest translation and commentary from Hadean Press, entitled ‘Naming the Heavens: Orations from the Summa Sacre Magice’, which presents a series of prayers and ritual inscriptions from the mid -1300s, addressed to the spirits of the heavenly bodies and facilitated via the invocation of secret names intended to secure general protection and good fortune. Brian also answers your Glitch Bottle Patreon listener questions and much more!

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✅►Get your copy of ‘Naming the Heavens’ - https://www.hadeanpress.com/shop/naming-the-heavens
✅►Follow Brian on Twitter- https://twitter.com/JohBri
✅► Check out Brian’s website - https://bjohnsonfreelance.com/

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🎵 Music by the artist Crowander (track name: “Tornado”)

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