Who are the Four Regents of the North, South, East and West, bestrewing themselves amongst the pages of grimoires? How can we create spirit thrones to invite these powerful rulers to witness our rituals? Dr. Alexander Cummins - contemporary cunning man, author, historian and poet - shares about his latest tome from Hadean Press, “The Art of Cyprian’s Mirror of Four Kings: An Early Modern Experiment of Cyprianic Conjuration”, answers your Patreon listener questions and more!

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► ✅ Order ‘The Art of Cyprian’s Mirror - https://www.hadeanpress.com/shop/the-art-of-cyprians-mirror-of-four-kings-an-early-modern-experiment-of-cyprianic-conjuration
► ✅ Dr. Al’s ‘Necromany for Beginners’ class - https://www.thecauldronblack.com/event-details/necromancy-for-beginners-an-online-5-part-modular-class-series-with-dr-alexander-cummins-2022-03-28-19-00?
► ✅ Dr. Al’s consulting services and website - http://www.alexandercummins.com/
► ✅ Dr. Al’s ‘Everyday Planetary Magic’ series - https://www.morbidanatomy.org/classes/everyday-planetary-magic-a-seven-part-series-on-simple-star-sorcery-and-spellcraft-with-historian-dr-alexander-cummins

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🎵 Music by the artist Crowander (track name: “Tornado”)