Dan Attrell - Canadian-born intellectual historian, classicist and philosopher, also known as ‘The Modern Hermeticist’ - shares about the Latin Polemical Tradition, how converts from Judaism to Christianity debated Talmudic esotericism and theology, and how these debates and anti-Jewish sentiments shaped the thought of Renaissance humanist philosophers Marsilio Ficino and Pico della Mirandola. Dan examines the streaming ribbons of thought how throughout medieval European history, Petrus Alfonsi's converso mysticism and natural philosophy went on to influence many great intellectuals from the monastic and mendicant traditions (such as Joachim of Fiore, Ramon Marti, Paul of Burgos, and Jerome of Santa Fe), culminating in both the Christian interpretation of Kabbalah, and the development of the Christian Cabala itself, among many other topics.

►Dan’s excellent YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcluftdk1tuDU71ZdGNpHTA
►Dan’s website: https://themodernhermeticist.com/
►‘The Disputation’ film: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-p3WlesJgaI

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