In the first episode of 2021, Dr Stancic, M.D. is a board certified internist and infectious disease specialist whose path during her medical training took a dramatic detour due to a disorder called Multiple Sclerosis (MS).  After years of becoming dependent on medications and a walking cane, she had an epiphany in 2003 that inspired her to reclaim her health through profound lifestyle changes.  This motivated her to successfully run a marathon in 2010 and even produce a movie in 2019 called Code Blue, which sheds light on the lapses in our healthcare system.  Dr. Stancic also discusses her new book entitled, What’s Missing from Medicine.  As an infectious disease specialist, she discusses how fine tuning your lifestyle choices can help to optimize your immune system to protect against COVID-19.  I hope our talk will inspire you to strengthen each of the 6 spokes of your lifestyle wheel of health.  

Show Notes:

Connect with Dr. Saray Stancic, MD:  


Code Blue Movie

Connect with Dr. Jonar, MD:  







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Thanks to my intern, the wonderful and smart Amelia Liu, to Jacob Ferrer for their production help, and to StockSounds for the music.  And to YOU!  Thank you for listening!


This podcast is intended for educational purposes only and isn’t medical advice so please talk to your primary physician for that.  In addition, the views and opinions expressed by me are my own and not that of my former, current or future employer. This also applies to my guests.  Finally, we do our best to make every effort to relay correct information, but don’t guarantee its accuracy.  Thank you for listening.

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