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Shellee Mendes 

Bio – December 2019

“Follow your dreams. There is nothing you can’t achieve if you dream big and work hard!”

That is the advice Shellee Mendes imparts to young people and entrepreneurs in her speaking engagements and philanthropic appearances … and those are the words she lives by.

Her inspirational approach to work and life – combined with outstanding entrepreneurial success - may be the reasons Shellee was asked to serve as a Director on the Boston Arts Academy Foundation Board. And why the Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce honored her with the GBCOC Small Business “Main Street” Award.  

Top honors before audience of 14,000 at 2019 MA Conference for Women

In 2019, Shellee was chosen for the coveted TARGET STORYTELLER AWARD at Massachusetts Conference for Women, with 14,000 attendees cheering her on! She received the award for her tireless work giving back to her community and lifting women up through her example and initiatives. 

Shellee also ran a conference round table on “Race, Hair & Working Women,” focusing on the challenges women of color face in regard to their hair and careers and in their everyday working environment. The sold-out program looked at questions Shellee says are raised every day in her salons: “Will I be judged for embracing my natural, ethnic hair texture and style? Is my hair keeping me from moving up the corporate ladder? Should I straighten my hair for that big interview?” 

Entrepreneur, businesswoman, philanthropist, role model

As the founder/owner/stylist at Salon Monet on Newbury Street, Shellee serves a diverse, multicultural clientele. In December 2017, she opened her second Newbury Street salon with a celebration attended by Mayor Walsh, Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley and other VIPs.

An inspirational speaker and active philanthropist, Shellee always finds time to support the many causes in which she believes. Her charitable giving includes donations, fundraisers and voluntary assistance to a host of organizations that help children, women and families. Shellee never stops! She is the recipient of multiple awards and honors, serves a host of celebrity clients, and last year was spotted chatting with Oprah on the Holland America Alaska Cruise! 

Shellee grew up in housing developments in Roslindale and Dorchester. As a single parent, she and her two small children lived in a Quincy shelter while she worked full-time and put herself through cosmetology school. Now she gives a hand up to those who are struggling. Read her inspirational story and check out recent achievements in the links below.