Originally, when we booked Nicole's friend Tamara for this conversation, we planned on discussing her battle with Stage 4 HER2 Neu Positive Metastatic Breast Cancer  - and the success she's found in beating it with Gerson Therapy. What we ended up discovering was so much more...

Tamara reveals to us that she had kept the cancer a secret from her friends (Nicole included!) and planned to make it to one more big bash before she kicked the bucket -- but as her "death day" approached, something unexpected happened that reignited her will to live -- and caused her to seek care through organic raw food and therapy at the Gerson Institute. 

If you're looking for a spiritual and educational uplift, join us in this episode. We'll chat about the Gerson lifestyle, the profound effects of organic and raw alkaline diet, the benefits of coffee enemas (she says not to knock them until you try them!) and SO MUCH MORE!


If you want to learn more about the podcast and the hosts, visit our website at www.girlswithgutspodcast.com.


Follow us on social media!

Instagram: @girlswithgutspodcast

Twitter: @girlswithgutspodcast

Facebook: www.facebook.com/girlswithgutspodcast

Tamara’s Instagram: @tamarapaquette

Alanna’s Instagram: @alannamartella

Nicole’s Instagram: @thenikkidee


Tamara’s Personal Websites:




Tamara's Gerson Links:

Healing: The Gerson Way by Charlotte Gerson (Audible Book)

Healing: The Gerson Way by Charlotte Gerson (Paperback)

The Gerson Institute

Natural Awakenings Magazine

The Beautiful Truth Movie Trailer (2008)



One of Alanna's Favorite TED Talks: The Best Gift I Ever Survived