My guest today is Lori Mercer. Lori is a single mom of four. She runs a successful online business where she freelances and also trains other women to be virtual professionals. But before she started her business, she had a demanding corporate job. Lori tells us how she knew it was time to leave that career, how there are things you can’t (and don’t want to) outsource when your kids are older, and she gives practical advice on making a plan to leave your corporate job if that’s something on your heart. Lori also founded and leads a nonprofit organization that supports the marriages and families of first responders. She tells us how she chose what her platform would be, how she made it her own and found that there were so many women going through the same thing she was as a firefighter’s wife. She also talks about how her dream ended in divorce despite how important marriage is to her. Lori and I talk about her personal life and how challenging the last 24 months have been for her, including walking through her daughter’s battle with anorexia. Lori shares how she learned of her daughter’s eating disorder, how it’s different for our daughters than it was for us at that age and how important it is for us to model healthy behaviors. Lori is so full of knowledge and she transparently shares about all the things she’s working on. If you are a single mom, a woman working full time, but ready to leave your corporate career to pursue your own business, a stay at home mom ready to get back into the workforce or you’re the wife of first responder, this show is for you.