My friend Kendra is on the show today sharing her story of loss, brokenness and a transformation that only God is capable of. She was married to her husband Jim on November 12, 2011 and five short weeks later, as they were anticipating spending their first Christmas together as a married couple, they were hit by a drunk driver. Jim was killed instantly and Kendra was badly injured. She had to face months of rehabilitation while grieving the loss of her husband. Not only was her body broken, but her plans for the future were shattered. Kendra tells us how she relied on God and the God-like people in her life to move forward. She talks honestly about the days she wanted to quit and how being strong isn’t what people see when a person is pulled together, but it’s in the moments of deepest sorrow when you’re crying on the floor and asking God to help you through the next minute. We also talk about forgiveness and how, in time, Kendra was able to forgive the man who hit them and how freeing it was to let go of that weight.