🎙 The idea of ‘paying yourself first’ is an old and common concept of responsible financial management. It’s something I’ve used in my own finances for years. Today we’re going back to basics talking about this rule. 🤔

This episode discusses topics like:

🌟 What ‘paying yourself first’ means and what to look out for when you try implementing this rule in your budgeting system;

🌟 How to start paying yourself first if you’ve never done it before; and

🌟 Whether paying yourself first really works.

Links from this episode:

Episode transcript and show notes: https://www.papermoneyco.com/gof49 

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Producer: Gonzalo Araya

Editor: Gonzalo Araya

Time codes:

00:00 Hello and Welcome!

04:00 What Is the ‘Paying Yourself First’ Rule?

05:36 Does the ‘Pay Yourself First’ Rule Really Work?

06:31 How to Get Started With Paying Yourself First

08:22 Next Weeks’ Episode

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