Your two weekend warriors are on the same coast, within miles of each other, so what do they do? Record a podcast remotely like they always do! After all, that’s what they’re comfortable doing, and the best performances come from a place of comfort. Speaking of that, Paul and Dave […]

The post The Comfort of Being on Stage – GigGab 118 appeared first on Gig Gab.

Your two weekend warriors are on the same coast, within miles of each other, so what do they do? Record a podcast remotely like they always do! After all, that’s what they’re comfortable doing, and the best performances come from a place of comfort.

Speaking of that, Paul and Dave spend some time talking about how oddly-comforting it feels being up on stage. That separation from the audience can be one of the safest feelings to a musician.

Before that, though, Dave had his first gig with Uptown Celebration, so that gets discussed. Paul discusses a gig at that club where the audience is a little too close to the “stage”, and your two self-absorbed podcasters discuss the pitfalls of interacting with self-absorbed fans.

All this and more… just press play and enjoy!


00:00:00 GigGab 118 – Monday, June 5, 2017
00:02:07 Lineup Changes
00:09:06 Dave’s first gig with Uptown Celebration
00:13:46 Having a dedicated sound engineer
00:17:32 Picking songs for the lead singer
00:19:56 Stage Ninja

forScore app

00:23:57 Managing
00:25:00 Audience members pitching themselves to your band
00:27:48 I can’t pretend a stranger is a long-awaited friend
00:32:58 Self-absorbed fans
00:33:50 Learning requests… for a fee
00:36:38 Learning requests… on the fly!
00:38:07 The magic of shared musical DNA
00:39:38 The safety of the stage
00:42:24 GG Outtro

The post The Comfort of Being on Stage – GigGab 118 appeared first on Gig Gab.