How close is your band? Can you tell each other everything? How about at vocal rehearsals? These are the questions that your two favorite weekend warriors start with today. Then it’s into contracts. Pay attention to the minutia, folks, because it might not be minutia to other people. Then it’s […]

The post Isolate the Distractions – GigGab 119 appeared first on Gig Gab.

How close is your band? Can you tell each other everything? How about at vocal rehearsals? These are the questions that your two favorite weekend warriors start with today. Then it’s into contracts. Pay attention to the minutia, folks, because it might not be minutia to other people. Then it’s on to the cost of playing in multiple projects. Really, it’s all about isolating the distractions, and that’s what Paul and Dave focus on today!


00:00:00 GigGab 119 – Monday, June 12, 2017
00:01:12 Gig mayhem
00:03:39 Travel tips!
00:06:08 The benefits of vocal rehearsals
00:09:29 What about listening to tape… together?
00:15:00 Pointing out mistakes
00:16:20 Learning to gel as a band
00:18:29 Contracts
00:22:23 Pet Peeves
00:27:41 Charting


00:30:34 Musicians in multiple bands
00:32:57 Isolate the distractions

The post Isolate the Distractions – GigGab 119 appeared first on Gig Gab.