It’s great to get your band to a place where you can just get setup and play without any issues. That’s not always easy, mind you, but it’s great. Paul and Dave both have a few stories – and a few tips – about how to make this happen… and what happens […]

The post Finding (and leaving) Your Comfort Zone – Gig Gab 228 appeared first on Gig Gab.

It’s great to get your band to a place where you can just get setup and play without any issues. That’s not always easy, mind you, but it’s great. Paul and Dave both have a few stories – and a few tips – about how to make this happen… and what happens when it doesn’t!

Crowd interaction is a critical tentpole of our “Always Be Performing” motto here at Gig Gab, and Dave had some interesting experiences with that this past weekend. Sometimes the crowd is too easy to engage, and that can present its own set of problems to be solved. Never fear, Paul is there to help solve them.

Lastly, a tech question about the right kind of mix for your in-ear monitors. Really, it’s a question that applies to any monitor mixes, so you’ll want to hear your favorite Weekend Warriors’ thoughts about that, too! Press play to get it all right now.

00:00:00 Gig Gab 228 – Monday, September 30, 2019 <>
00:00:57 Paul’s relocating
00:02:52 Dave’s Three outdoor gig weekend
00:11:18 Charlie Farren
00:13:34 But we don’t want to be drunk
00:15:23 No Power Porchfest!

“The band is so hot we blew out the power!”

00:21:01 Props to the leaders!
00:26:53 Asking Strange Questions From the Stage
00:28:09 When you have a good sub!

What you won’t do for love

00:35:40 Find the Comfort Zone
00:43:04 Adam-Should IEM mixes be pre- or post-fader?
00:49:13 GG 228 Outtro

The post Finding (and leaving) Your Comfort Zone – Gig Gab 228 appeared first on Gig Gab.