There’s a point you can get to with a band where playing together feels like putting on your favorite comfy slippers. Things are happy, things are smooth, and you have room and confidence to conquer the stage. But what happens when the slippers aren’t comfortable anymore? Or aren’t even there? […]

The post Comfy Slippers – Gig Gab 229 appeared first on Gig Gab.

There’s a point you can get to with a band where playing together feels like putting on your favorite comfy slippers. Things are happy, things are smooth, and you have room and confidence to conquer the stage.

But what happens when the slippers aren’t comfortable anymore? Or aren’t even there? Well, your two favorite weekend warriors talk through all of this. Listener Tom even has a scenario brewing that requires an extended conversation jam between Paul and Dave, trading fours back-and-forth like two guys with something to say and listen to. It’s all yours right now, just press play!

And if you have a question, send it in to [email protected]

00:00:00 Gig Gab 229 – Monday, October 7, 2019 <>
00:02:49 Comfy Slippers
00:14:52 The Great Los Gatos Singalong!

Siacotos A-ha Songs

00:25:22 SPONSOR: CHAUVET DJ. Don’t just rock…rock in the spotlight with CHAUVET DJ!
00:28:00 Tom-Band member gets an offer

The post Comfy Slippers – Gig Gab 229 appeared first on Gig Gab.