Do you put yourself in positions where you will only get a resounding yes? Are you actively avoiding situations where a no is more likely to happen? How do you deal with the silence between hearing yes or no? Recently, I went through an experience that resulted in no. It was a long, drawn-out process […]

Do you put yourself in positions where you will only get a resounding yes? Are you actively avoiding situations where a no is more likely to happen? How do you deal with the silence between hearing yes or no? Recently, I went through an experience that resulted in no. It was a long, drawn-out process that ended abruptly and definitively. No. After a few minutes of reflecting upon the journey, I discovered an essential lesson in this all: I need to go for no way more often than I do. There are so many more valuable lessons to be learned in the moments of no. Plus, you grow your muscles of resilience, courage, asking, and vision. Are you avoiding no? I hope after this episode of Getting Work To Work, I’ll make a case for why you should go for no.

Quotes mentioned in the episode:

“The gift of disappointment is its ability to bring us into alignment with reality so that we don’t get stuck for too long in the realm of how things might have been.” – Madisyn Taylor, Dealing with Disappointment

Show Links

The Passionistas Project
Women’s Equality Virtual Summit 2020
Dealing with Disappointment
Photo by Justin Leibow on Unsplash
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